Monday, November 1, 2010

Audrey Grace Auction Donated Breedings Now Available!

The DeGraff Stables stallions are once again honored to donate a breeding to the 9th Annual Audrey Grace Auction.  If you are looking to breed to one of our great stallions we are pleased to offer their 2011 services through the Audrey Grace Benefit.  Your dollars will be spent to maintain on-going operations at the Audrey Grace House, the first of New Horizon’s Community Centers of Care and will serve as residential treatment and family centers in cities that do not currently have services available for the kids who are considered the highest risk.  Our kudos go out theo the hard working group whom manage the auction of the stallion breeding services and many other items of interest.  Contact Robin at 859.846.5000 or via email at for more information on donated breedings by Indian Artifacts, HBF Iron Man, DGS IndyGo and DGS Vestastic!